To boot back to macOS, open that same file and delete the line that you just added above and click save. Add this line at the very end of the file and click save. Right click on that file and edit it with your favorite text editor. Thanks for the tip Mike! Inside will be your vmnamehere. No big deal! Instead of reinstalling the OS to test again, just revert back to a previous snapshot! You can access snapshots from the Virtual Machine menu bar item. Virtualization – Creating High Sierra as VM under VMware Fusion – Ask Different – How to Install VMware Fusion in macOS High Sierra 10.13

So, if you need Catalina or older, stay on I wonder if VMware has a skunk works project going on to do the same I’m sure VMWare is watching how the Parallels experiment goes and whether consumers take to it. Navigation and UI research starting soon. VMware Fusion Player 12 is FREE! Test macOS, Linux or Windows 10.Will Fusion 7 run on High Sierra? – VMware Technology Network VMTN Supported host operating systems for VMware Fusion and VMware Fusion Pro () Catalina, macOS x Mojave, macOS x High Sierra. VMware Fusion is the easiest way to run Windows on a Mac and the ultimate tool for building apps to run on any platform. Certification/Training Frequently Asked Questions.Administrative Professionals Conference.Online Training – Municipal Utility and County Utility Board Members.Online Training – Utility District Commissioners and Utility Authority Board Members.Utility District and Utility Authority Commissioner.Municipal and County Utility Official Training.